Rocío Sánchez Sánchez.

Biologist graduated from the Higher Technological Institute of Irapuato. She began her professional career as a member of the nucleic acid synthesis area of the company T4 Oligo in 2018, where she positioned herself as an expert in nucleic acid synthesis by contributing to the improvement of protocols, as well as the development of new procedures for the synthesis of nucleic acids, integrating new chemistries that broaden the spectrum of applications of this technology.

Joined to Genes2Life in the research and development area in 2020, becoming leader of the Molecular Design department in 2020. Part of the research team that assertively responded to the pandemic by developing kits for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2.

Among the projects she has led, we can highlight the development of kits for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 variants with epidemiological importance, the first product of which was finished in 2021, and has been constantly updated to keep up-to-date with the current epidemiological panorama.

Some of the results of the research carried out by the department she directs have been included in two scientific publications. One of them, in which she also serves as one of the two main authors, entitled RT-qPCR Assays for Rapid Detection of the N501Y, 69-70del, K417N, and E484K SARS-CoV-2 Mutations: A Screening Strategy to Identify Variants With Clinical Impact has been referenced more than 50 times in other publications focused on the analysis of mutations and variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which highlights the relevance of this research.

Currently collaborates with ITRASIG, where she continues leading and innovating in the biotechnological fields related to technologies and tools based on nucleic acids.